Sunday, 4 January 2015


The shopkeeper is a point and click narrative game. It’s has a very simple story telling style like finding teddy type of game where you click on items that leads to next half of story. I usually do not blog about games that I do not like, but this game was extremely disappointing to a point that I have to blog about it.

The art style looked unique and designed looked great. The screenshots in the game store looked good too. On top of that, it was a story based game. So, I told myself, Why not?  Let me get to the point.
Main Character is wearing a suit

When I first started playing, I had completely no idea on what’s going on. It’s perfectly normal to feel that way because some games begin like that. However, after I made few decisions (which led me to the wrong pathway), I still had no idea on what’s going on.

Then, I decided to google about the game. Basically it’s about a young businessman who was looking for an Antique to impress is mother in law. The types of gift you choose leads to the right ending. If you choose the wrong one, you will lose the game and thus the game repeats (You wouldn’t know it until you realise the scenes repeats). 

I have yet to choose the right decision but I believe that’s the end to the game. I really have a strong dislike for this game because you have no idea what was your mistake. Ok you chose an antique, then it was the wrong gift. But why was it a wrong gift? Or why was it a successful gift?

I don’t see any clues or maybe I am not observant enough to pick up clues. The worse part of this whole game is that you just feel clueless and when it repeats, it makes me unhappy. Like why am I repeating? Am I going back again? What’s going on?

Usually my patience level is quite high but this game knows what strings to pull to annoy me. The art is unique and beautiful but the story is not being delivered well. To me, a game that fails to enure that the audience gets hold of the concept at least the middle of a single gameplay has failed to capture the art of game design.

To be honest, I would not recommend people to buy this game unless they want to suggest on a game they would like to improve on. I feel that this game has a lot of potential but they really need to pull themselves together and make a game that is straight forward at least. 
Notes that I am trying to see on how it can be used to win this game

Conversation between the Main character and Mother In law

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